Case Studies 

See the difference we've made in peoples lives

Case Study - Jack Webley

Case Study - Jack WebleyLife Skills Cooking: A Recipe for Confidence and GrowthJack, who had little cooking experience, joined our Life Skills sessions focused on cooking, which significantly boosted his…
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richard hamblett's story with the ymca

Richard Hamblett's Story With The YMCARichard found himself at a crossroads after returning to the UK from a period of traveling and volunteering aboard. Unemployed and searching for purpose, he…
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Y Innovate YouthLink Scotland Report

Y Innovate YouthLink Scotland ReportYMCA Tayside’s Y Innovate digital hub hosts six-week courses for small groups of young people in primary seven who find the school environment challenging. Youth workers…
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Case Studies / Steven

Case Studies / StevenSteven was first referred to the Y Futures project in late 2019 and showed a good interest in getting involved. He was keen to experience more STEAM…
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Case Studies / Amy

Case Studies / AmyAmy was first introduced to YMCA Tayside’s Y Future’s programme by her SDS advisor who was looking for a supportive environment for her to develop in. Amy…
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Case Studies / Layla

Case Studies / LaylaA short view back on Layla’s history shows her as a young 11 year old girl excited and eager to take part in her communities latest youth…
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