JU is a 23-year-old young person who recognised that he has been living in social isolation, and he is looking for support from YMCA on promoting his social inclusion for positive outcomes. JU indicated that he had a troubled childhood and recognised the impact of this on his general wellbeing. Ju is passionate about both indoor and outdoor activities, as he recognises that this would help promote his general wellbeing. Jaime was offered the opportunity to work in partnership with the YMCA for a period of six weeks on a 1:1 basis. This was to support Jaime in promoting his self -worth, confidence, and social inclusion, as he finds it difficult to establish meaningful social relationships His involvement with the YMCA was aimed at empowering him to become socially inclusive and support his general wellbeing

JU left school with no formal qualifications and is low-skilled. Ju finds it hard to maintain eye contact, and as a result, he cannot start up conversations, which has led to him becoming socially isolated. He was also diagnosed with autism, and because of this, he lacks self-confidence and struggles with communication. This lack of soft skills had a huge impact on JU’s general wellbeing.

JU was referred to the programme by the social prescriber and was very apprehensive about taking part in it. At the start of the programme, JU lacked the confidence to hold conversation with the social work student that was assigned to him, but it was evident to the worker from the start that he had huge potential. For the intervention, the worker empowered JU by encouraging him to participate in the summer activities organised by YMCA and to utilise resources within his community as these would help promote his social skills and mental wellbeing. He was also encouraged to change his negative thoughts pattern to positives. This encouraged Jaime and he started believing in his own abilities and very quickly started to gain self – confidence. During the programme, JU told the worker, when asked about his future plans, that he would be moving into further education. JU was enthusiastic about this, as he sees it as a stepping stone to developing his career path. JU has also gained a good amount of transferable skills through his involvement with the YMCA, which has also had a beneficial impact on his personal life. Through his involvement with the YMCA, JU has been in contact with his mother and sister in the quest to mend the broken relationship between him and his family. JU also registered in a gym, taking swimming lessons and putting himself forward for tasks within the YMCA. He initiates and hold conversations with good eye contacts now. He speaks highly of himself and has a positive view of life now. He is in the process of volunteering at the YMCA because he wants to be a role model for other young people.

Ju has grown in confidence and now has a positive image of his own abilities. He now feels able to cope in large group situations, which would have previously been a barrier. Ju now feels confident within a group through outdoor activities and feels more able to project his voice, not being withdrawn as he was in the past.