Case Studies: Grant

Grant was first brought to our attention by his social worker. He was very interested in computing and was a creative young boy but had struggled a great deal with his mental health as well as having other additional support needs that made it very difficult for him to engage with other services. Grant was still in school and not able to officially leave until after the summer but was at serious risk of not having a positive destination. He did not really engage at school as he struggled within a classroom environment.

Thankfully, the ESF Employability Pipeline is able to engage with young people in school who are approaching their leaving date and are at risk of becoming NEET (Not in Education Employment or Training). Grant fitted into this criteria and we were able to offer him support through the Y Futures ESF programme. Our new digital skills focus suited Grant well and he was able to overcome his initial anxiety and get involved. He has gotten involved in our Graphic Design workshops and Video Editing workshops and is now attending our new Digital Skills Hub 3 times a week.

Feedback has been extremely positive and all the different professional involved in supporting Grant are very pleased that he will continue on the Employability Pipeline after he leaves school and now has a positive destination in which he can thrive. Grant has also started to get involved in the different social groups that are available at the YMCA. This is a very big step for him and we will continue to support him to keep developing his skills and building a positive future for himself.

Grant still has a long journey ahead of him but he is off to a very promising start. We are confident we will continue to help him overcome barriers and move on to a positive outcome.