Early intervention to support young females develop their confidence and resilience and prevent mental ill health.
Y’s Girls Mentoring utilises the skills and life experiences of local volunteer mentors to engage with young people aged 9-14 within their own communities. Mentors develop positive and trusting relationships with the young girls involved, equipping them with the skills, knowledge and confidence needed to create meaningful and achievable goals.
Using a youth work approach delivered by trained volunteer mentors, Y’s Girls has been proven to empower young women, change behaviour and inspire positive choices in those referred.
The Y's Girls Process
A community-based volunteer role to support young girls.
We work with young girls in the local community who may be displaying several risk factors. This includes: mental health, disruption or disengagement at school, offending, aggressive or antisocial behaviour, family conflict and/or substance abuse.

A Collaborative Approach
Working in close partnership with Social Work, Education and Police Scotland.
Y’s Girls Mentoring works alongside local authority pre-referral screening groups to identify young people who may benefit from the programme at an early stage. The Y’s Girls Mentoring programme accepts referrals from social work, police, education and self-referrals.
Volunteer Mentors
Only one hour a week, with long term benefits.
Y’s Girls recruits, trains and supervises volunteer mentors to build community capacity and help change perceptions of vulnerable young people. Mentoring is a hugely rewarding volunteer experience that can have a positive impact on a young person’s life. To find out more and potentially become a mentor please contact the Y’s Girls Programme Coordinator.