Prince's Trust Team Programme 

The Princes Trust Team is a 12-week personal development course, offering work experience, qualifications, practical skills, community projects and a residential week.

More than 70% of unemployed participants go on to jobs, training or education within three months of completing. Through building their confidence and motivation, Team members are encouraged to think about their futures.

They uncover hidden talents and develop team-working and communication skills. They gain awareness of their local community and achieve nationally recognised qualifications.

 How does it work? 

A team typically comprises around 12 unemployed people. During the 12 week programme, team members spend a week away at a residential activity centre; undertake a project based in their local community; complete a work placement; participate in a team challenge; and stage a team presentation, during which they recount their experiences.

 Who is eligible? 

This could be the next big step in your life.

Young people aged 16 – 25, especially if they are part of the Trust’s other target groups, which are: people leaving care, young offenders, educational underachievers and the long term unemployed.